مادة 36: حرية الرأي والبحث العلمي مكفولة، ولكل إنسان حق التعبير عن رأيه ونشره بالقول أو الكتابة أو غيرهما وذلك وفقا للشروط والأوضاع التي يبينها القانون


Toshiba unveils the smallest 8MP CMOS sensor ever

Steve Jobs says it's not all about the megapixels and in this case he might be right. Toshiba's newest creation is a super thin 8 megapixel CMOS sensor, that promises smaller pixels without loss of quality. An issue that rears its head when trying to squeeze higher megapixel sensors in a smaller space is that it usually results in a loss of image quality.

8MP but nothing like we've seen before

What the new Toshiba sensor promises is an 8 megapixel CMOS sensor with the smallest pixel size in the biz at 1.12 micrometers, add to that back-side illumination (BSI) and quality degredation is negligable at best.
This means we might be seeing some of the newest 8MP shooters producing some really impressive shots in the not-too-distant future. The new sensor is already in testing and has plans to go into mass production later this year.
For the full press-release from Toshiba click here.

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